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Moreton Bay Region Libraries Virtual Show

Roll up, roll up, welcome to our virtual show! 

Virtual ShowThe annual local virtual show is about to begin. Agricultural shows are one of the most iconic of Australian traditions, loved by generations. They began as a way for farmers to share ideas and learn about new farming methods and equipment. Shows have been an important event in communities across the country since 1822 and the tradition is still going strong, with 128 shows held throughout Queensland each year. In the Moreton Bay Region there are six shows - Caboolture, Dayboro, Pine Rivers, Redcliffe, Samford and Woodford - all run by a team of dedicated and passionate volunteers and each with their own unique stories. From humble beginnings, our local shows have become multi-day extravaganzas, offering exhibitors and visitors a combination of serious competition and light-hearted fun. At its core, the shows have remained the same. They are places for education and entertainment, providing an opportunity to celebrate individual achievement by showcasing the very best from the local community.

Join us here and on Facebook as we share photos and the history of each of the region’s annual shows throughout the June to August. Do you have photos of past Moreton Bay Region shows that you would like to donate to the Local History historical photograph collection? You can submit them here.

The Pine Rivers Show

The Pine Rivers Show is the oldest running show in the region, with the first show held in 1891. The outdoor and ring events were held on Alexander Wyllie’s paddocks (now part of Wyllie Park) and indoor exhibits held in the North Pine School of Arts. For the finale, the last ring event was a dray race. The drays were loaded with gravel and the drivers raced them once around the ring, trying not to sink in the mud. The association at the time was known as the Moreton Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Association.

…The day was fine, all the district made holiday, and an attendance of about 800 persons... Numbers of visitors arrived in baggies and traps, and on horseback, and the trains from Brisbane conveyed many more… The cattle shown were few but included some fine jerseys. Working animals predominated among the horses and were of a good useful description. The feature in live stock, however, was the show of pigs, 27 pens being filled with exhibits…Mr. J. Shepherd, of Strathpine, exhibited a collection of drain pipes, said to be of good clay. Several samples of locally grown maize, oaten hay, and chaff were shown. The entrance to the building was flanked by banana trees in full bearing, giving, as it were, a keynote to the district’s productive powers. On entering it was immediately to be seen that the exhibits were of exceptional quality, and the closest inspection failed to remove that impression. The vegetables were the subject of unstinted praise on all hands. Cabbages, solid and well grown; vegetable marrows and pumpkins of large dimensions; peas, full and large; carrots and parsnips of excellent shape and growth; and so on right through the classes… The State schools of the district contributed creditable specimens of handwriting, drawing, mapping, plain and fancy sewing, and wool work, the ages of the exhibitors ranging from 10 to 14. Paintings of local scenery of fancy work were shown by several ladies and gentlemen. Jumping contests were held in the afternoon… The Week, 19 June 1891

In the beginning only, a handful of shows were held. It was not until 1908 that the show became an annual event, running every year since, except for 1931.

In 1915 the Lawnton Showgrounds, became the permanent venue for the annual Pine Rivers Show. The Francis family, who owned the cornflour and starch mill at Lawnton donated 15 acres of land to the association, which had changed its name to the Pine Rivers Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Association (Pine Rivers A.H&I Association). The society built the first of their permanent facilities a two-storey timber building, which is still used today to exhibit the Art and Craft.

Before electricity, the moon played a part in determining the date of the show, as shows were scheduled close to a full moon. Today the show occurs on the first weekend in August. It means it is the last chance for the axemen to compete before the Ekka and it offers livestock and animal exhibitors, one last chance to practice and earn points, before the big one.

Today the show has become a large three-day, family friendly event, with free entry for all Primary School children and a dedicated ride area for little kids. While the essence of the Show remains the same, the society are always looking at ways to incorporate new entertainment, activities to keep people coming back year after year.

The Samford Show

Despite a tumultuous history, the Samford Show has become a much-loved annual community event, not to be missed. In 1929, the Samford A.H and I. Association held a race meet to finance the running of their first Samford show. A considerable sum was collected, but before the show could be held one of the members left town and the money went with him. It was until almost fifty years later, that what is now known as the Samford Show began.

The show had its beginnings as a school fair until 1974 when the Golden Valley Pony Club (GVPC) ran a show for the first time. The show was held on the grounds behind the Farmer’s Hall and was a grand affair. Its success led to subsequent shows that were held on the new Pony Club grounds on Richards Road. In 1975, the Samford Show became affiliated with the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies. Two years later, the Samford and District Show Society was established and took over the running of the show from the GVPC.

In 1978, however, the Samford Show was struggling for survival and was in desperate need of a support group. The GVPC club still retained an interest in the event but was reluctant to take control of it again. A meeting was called to rejuvenate interest, but it was poorly attended. Just when it looked set to fold, a group of local Rotary Club members offered their support and the show has never looked back. As the show’s popularity increased there was a need for a larger venue and since 1986, the event has been held in the Society’s grounds at Highvale.

Today the Samford Show is a two-day event held in July. Highlights of the Show include a circus, motor bikes, pig races, dog parades, Ute muster, horse events, cattle show, fireworks and the famous dog jump.

The Dayboro Show

The first Dayboro Show was held in 1956, to raise funds to pay for the Dayboro War Memorial Grounds, which had been officially opened on 8 October 1956. The grounds established by the War Memorial Committee commemorate the memory of soldiers of both World Wars and provided a much-needed sports ground. A show ring, refreshment area, bar and toilets had been constructed.

The first show was a one-day event with over 1000 people attending. The membership free was one guinea ($2.10) and admission was 2/6 (25 cents). Three young sisters were star performers of the first Show. Marion (13), Margaret (11) and Betty (2 years and 3months) Mumford won 14 of the show’s horse riding events. The success of the show led to the second Show being extended to a two-day event, with new added programmes. The third year saw the addition of a Grand Show Ball, held in the Dayboro Public Hall on the Saturday night. Over the years, additions have been made to the grounds, including a kitchen and dining room, an office, pavilions and poultry shed. An adjoining block of land was purchased, which is used for dog and cattle judging and a rodeo arena was constructed.

Today the Dayboro Show is held over two days in July each year.

The Redcliffe Show

The first show in Redcliffe was held by the Humpybong Agricultural, Horticultural, and Industrial Association in 1924.

"The log chopping events evoked much enthusiasm, the winners being applauded. In the pavilion displays were to be seen a fine array of women's work, cookery, jams, and preserves, as well as school children's work and fine arts. The horticultural displays, though not numerous, were attractive, and demonstrated the suitability of the district to the culture of flowers. The 'fruits, vegetables, and farm produce exhibits came in for commendation from both the judges and visitors alike. The poultry and dog sections received support from the residents, and it is confidently anticipated that next year's outing will see greatly increased entries in both these departments of the show. Mr. R. J. Warren, M.L.A., who declared the show open at noon, congratulated the committee, exhibitors, and residents upon the attractive initial annual show." The Telegraph, 8 Aug 1924

The shows continued until 1932, when the show society folded due to debt. It was not until 1949, Alderman Charles Allen Webb formed a new committee, the Redcliffe Show Society, with the first show being held in 1950.

The Woodford Show

The Woodford Agricultural, Industrial and Pastoral Show society formed in 1911, with the first show held in May 1912.

“… The horse sections were the principal attraction, a number of the entries coming from Kilcoy and other districts. Dairy cattle were fairly good in quality, but were somewhat lacking in condition, Jerseys and Shorthorns apparently finding favour in this district… In the farm produce section there were some excellent specimens of maize, potatoes, and oaten and lucerne chaff. The ring events created a good deal of interest, the various jumping contests being keenly contested. The women's and school children's sections were well filled, a splendid display being made in each case. Poultry, swine, and dogs were only moderately represented with quality rather poor, particularly as regards the poultry…” The Queenslander 18 May 1912

The Caboolture Show

The first Caboolture Show was held in 1914, by the Caboolture Pastoral Agricultural and Industrial Association.

“The weather was perfect, and attendance very satisfactory. Buggies and motors conveyed the visitors to the area, which had been prepared for the great event. The accommodation for the outside exhibits was fairly adequate, though the poultry section suffered by not being on the ground. The interior exhibits were accommodated in a large tent which proved altogether too small… The Show ring, prepared by many working bees, gave indication of the energy and industry of an army of volunteer workers who will not rest until they make the grounds fully worthy of what the Caboolture Shows of the future are to be…” - The Brisbane Courier, 2 May 1914

In 2017 Caboolture celebrated its 90th show. Now a three-day event, the society’s main aim remains the same - to showcase the Caboolture district.

2020 would have been the 93rd Caboolture Show.

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